The program for new & aspiring online coaches that provides you with the blueprint for consistently getting leads, confidently bringing in new clients and becoming a FULL-TIME online coach


The program for new & aspiring online coaches that provides you with the blueprint for consistently getting leads, confidently bringing in new clients and becoming a FULL-TIME online coach


Does any of this sound familiar? 

You’re fueled by the fire of fitness, health, and all things energetic. You LOVE this stuff. In fact, you’re so passionate about it, you’re ready to make it your full-time career.

Your friends & family come to you with ALL of their health & fitness questions… and you can see how your advice really helps them. You KNOW you have a gift in helping people.

You’ve tried to get clients by posting online and offering your services to your followers, but.. actually making a good living doing this work? Yeah, that hasn’t happened yet.

You’re starting to doubt yourself and wonder if it’s even possible. Am I good enough? Can I really do this? Why are all these women on Instagram making it look so easy? This suuuucks.

You clearly have a calling… It’s time to start using it. 

That was me, too. The truth was: I knew a ton about health & fitness, but I knew NOTHING about running a real business.



Hi, I'm Lynette!

...and I’ve been in your [workout] shoes.

Like most women, I struggled when I was starting out. I focused on all the wrong things, wasting time spinning my wheels on the stuff that didn’t matter — like creating the perfect Canva graphics or trying to snap the perfect selfie for the ‘Gram.

Nobody bought. My courses flopped. My social media was a mess. Short of standing naked in the town square, I’d tried everything I could think of to grab people’s attention and sell my offers.

But then...

Biting the bullet and taking a giant leap by hiring my first official Business Mentor changed EVERYTHING for me. She showed me what to focus on, where the clients were, and how to turn this pie-in-the-sky dream into a full-time business.

No joke: I went from earning $800 a month to being the CEO of a multiple 6-figure coaching business.

Yeah. That actually happened.

And right now, I’m sitting in my dream house with my husband (who I retired), truly living the dream.We travel freely and regularly. There’s plenty of money in the bank. My schedule is flexible but solid. And I’m paid daily for doing what I love.

and now… it's your turn:

Welcome to the Fitness Coaching Business Accelerator

The 4-month business incubator for new & aspiring health & fitness coaches who want to stop playing guessing games in business and get the proven strategies hand-delivered by a coach who’s built a multiple-six-figure fitness business herself.


Putting out posts and offers on Instagram and watching as your comments and DMs start to fill with people who are interested in hiring YOU

Confidently hopping onto a discovery call with a prospective client and knowing exactly what to say and how to say it to lead them to a yes (without ever acting sleazy)

Developing high-ticket, high-value coaching offers and feeling good about your ability to sell and deliver them

Getting to choose which clients you take on — and being having so many inquiries, you’ll be able to say no to the weird randos you never wanted to work with in the first place but had to say yes to because the latest AT&T bill arrived

Learning how to write compelling sales copy so your social media posts don’t bomb 

Being confident in yourself and your coaching ability so you can show up in your full glory 

Try getting results like that through a google search, amirite?

The Fitness Coaching Business Accelerator is a clear, step-by-step path that leaves nothing to chance.

Hundreds of women have gone through this program to prove its effectiveness in the real world.

You can be one of them.

Click The Button Below To Apply


Let’s hear about some of my client wins


"Since completing her program I've tripled my investment and been able to maintain a steady client base as well as launch new programs and feel confident doing so!!"

"When I considered working with Lynette... I had zero idea where to start, what programs to use, or even how to market the product correctly. Lynette's program helped me not only create a product, but she took us step by step teaching us every pillar that creates an online business, how to make it our own, and really took the time to ask what WE needed instead of just going through the motions of what she had planned.

I also didn't know my mindset needed work until Lynette's tough love showed me that I was capable of WAY more than I was giving myself credit for."


"I made a goal to begin earning $5,000 a month within 6 months and I hit that goal in SIX WEEKS."

"If you are trying to build a business, make your passion lucrative and ultimately create freedom in your life then Lynette's business coaching and guidance is an absolute must. My life and business have been revolutionized by what I learned in FCBA...

Lynette opened my eyes to the ceiling I created with my own self doubt and now I feel like the sky is the limit. I am dreaming, pursuing and building and it all started with the help and direction of Lynette and FCBA. This program is amazing. Trust me. You need it."

What Do You Get When You Join The Fitness Coaching Business Accelerator?

Such a good question.

Let me lay it all out for you!

Inside this 4-month group coaching program, you will receive: 

FCBA Curriculum Modules
(Value $3000)

This is where we’ll lay the foundation for building an established, sustainable fitness business. It’s like being in college again, except instead of forcing yourself to go to an 8 AM Econ 101 lecture 3 times a week, you’re actually gonna WANT to show up for this. You’ll learn the basics of getting clients, picking a niche, packaging and pricing your services, posting on social media, hosting discovery calls, increasing your conversions, and creating consistent income as a fitness coach. This is a complete, proven system that countless coaches have already gone through and gotten results from. Now it’s your turn.

2 Monthly Q&A Calls
(Value $2000)

This isn’t a “give you information and hope you know how to implement it” kind of course. There’s no mama bird kicking you out of the nest. I’ll be holding your hand in multiple ways throughout our 4 months together, including during these live Question and Answer sessions. This is your opportunity to get real answers to literally any step in the process of building your fitness coaching business. From “How do I increase engagement on Instagram?” to “What do I charge?” and everything in between. Bring it all to these calls.

2 Monthly Co-Working Sessions (Value $500)

Studies show that virtual co-working sessions makes you more intentional, more productive & more accountable to getting work done… which is why FCBA offers 2 Zoom co-working sessions every month! You’ll quietly work together with the other FCBA students, while having an FCBA coach available to answer any questions or give feedback on what you’re working on!

24/7 Community Access to The Slack Channel (Value $3000)

This is your private, members-only community group (where you can find the support coaches + I daily!). Come here to share wins, ask quick questions, and support the other people inside the program. If you’ve been craving some serious entrepreneur friends, you can find them here in the Slack channel. Who knows? You might just meet your new BFF. Fingers crossed for ya!


Discovering Your Niche + Ideal Client

You’ll learn how to determine the target audience for your online coaching program (aka: your ideal client) and niche down into a sector of the coaching industry where YOU can make the most impact.
Plus, you’ll find out how to create an online presence that helps you stand out from your competitors and get the RIGHT people into your world.

After Module 1, you’ll have a clear picture of exactly who you’re looking to attract, connect with and serve as an online coach!

Content Strategy 101

In Module 2, you’ll discover the content strategies to grow an audience full of ideal clients + magnetically attract exactly who you want to work with.

You’ll learn how to create content that gets (and keeps) the attention of your target audience, and you’ll get my easy 2-step content writing system that I don’t share ANYWHERE else so you can write captions that captivate your audience every single time.

By using my proven attraction marketing strategies, tactics and techniques, you’ll never have to worry about cold pitching or chasing down leads again – instead, your perfect-fit dream clients will be coming to YOU.

Develop + Price Your Online Coaching Program

Along with learning how to create an irresistible offer that your ideal clients will LOVE, you’ll learn:
✔️ How to correctly price your program
✔️ How to SELL your program at a high-ticket price ($250-$500+ a month)
✔️ What to include in your offer + your check-in process
✔️ How to properly structure your program

You’ll walk away knowing how to ensure your coaching program offers a seamless client experience, generates results AND is priced to sell!

Launching + How to Get Clients Online

Not only will you learn how to successfully launch your offer, you’ll also find out how to generate + connect with leads online and strategically nurture your audience + warm them up so they’re primed to buy your offer *BEFORE* the doors are officially open.

You’ll also learn how to effectively fill your coaching roster once your launch begins (and how to keep the hype + momentum going THROUGHOUT your launch).

Launching is THE best, fastest way to sell out your online coaching programs, and after Module 4, you’ll know exactly how to make it happen.

Selling Like a Sales Queen (and Without Sleaze!)

You’ll learn how to sell your high-ticket coaching offers with ease (and absolutely ZERO sleaze) and feel confident, capable and comfortable as you host sales calls and conduct sales conversations with leads online.

Module 5 is where you learn that sales can be FUN – and not have icky used car salesman vibes. You’ll feel empowered when it comes time to pitch + sell your program rather than sheepish, uncomfortable and timid.

Mastering Your Mindset in Business

In Module 6, you’ll learn how to overcome imposter syndrome, fears that you aren’t good enough or don’t have what it takes to be successful, and other limiting beliefs that can hold you back from reaching your business goals.

As an online coach with nearly 10 years of experience, I help you make ESSENTIAL mindset shifts that help catapult you to your next level. After completing this training, you’ll have the tools you need to move past self-sabotaging behavior and self-doubt and create the business of your dreams.

Systems + Business Organization

In Module 7, I’m sharing my list of recommended tech, tools + software that will help you run your business seamlessly, plus:
✔️ How to organize, automate + run the backend of your business
✔️ Time-management techniques + strategies to help you stay productive 
✔️ Keys to creating a seamless onboarding + offboarding process

Maintaining Momentum in Business

Module 8 is all about keeping your success going beyond FCBA – because this program is just the beginning for you + your career as an online coach.
You’ll learn how to plan your sales for the next 12 months and walk away prepared to apply + maximize everything you’ve learned!


But I know you're just beginning on the path to getting your own paying fitness coaching clients, so when you join the program today, you're getting a full fitness business education for a fraction of this cost.




"FCBA is AMAZING. If you’re technically illiterate, don’t worry!! This program teaches you everything!! The support is incredible! I made my investment back MANY times over! This may be a group coaching program, but you will feel like you’re getting 1:1 coaching w/Lynette’s dedication to your success... It is worth every dollar!!

Even if you don’t know what you’re doing or where to start-FCBA is perfect for you!! Lynette will help you create a business that aligns with your passion!

I seriously cannot say enough good things! I’ve been a business owner for over 20 yrs and this brought me to a whole new level! This course has given me a sense of peace for my future. I know I will always have this knowledge to create new streams of income!"

- Denette




"A year ago, I didn’t have a business. I decided to join FCBA. I didn’t even have an IG account. And through strategy I learned from Lynette, as well as some messy action, I’ve grown this business in under a year to hitting over $8k in monthly revenue, and still totally balancing work and living life, traveling the world, and feeling more aligned than ever.

So grateful I came into your world."

- Casey




"FCBA was the push I needed to take my business to the next level.Lynette helped me discover my worth and upgrade my coaching business to a high ticket commodity.

Prior to working with her I was spinning my wheels doing a ton of work for little reward. Lynette taught me concepts I could implement in my business right away.

I've made my investment back (before FCBA was over) plus some and feel like I have the skills to continue moving my business forward. She's given me the confidence and the knowledge to back it."

- Sam




"I’d never had a client before joining FCBA, and seriously felt the “not good enough” feeling. But since joining FCBA, you’ve given me the confidence to do something I never thought I could truly succeed in doing. I’ve been able to consistently make money as an online coach without issue… I just locked in $9600 for January alone!

The investment I made into coaching was 100% worth every penny.

- Linnea




"So beyond grateful for FCBA and the life-changing impact it has had for myself and so many others. I am officially working full time for myself! I would have nothing had the confidence to do with without FCBA or the support of the coaches!."

- Lynlee




"FCBA is the reason I was able to leave my full time job and work fully for myself as an online coach, and now making 6-figures as an online coach. So damn thankful for you. I was so scared hiring you at first, but had I NOT, ya girl would still be charging $179/month and have trash content, no launching process… ohh I feel so bad for the girl I was before FCBA!”

- Teyha 




"I officially launched as an online coach and met my goal with my launch. Just starting was SO daunting to me before FBCA and I know without enrolling I would not have taken the action I did.

FCBA is 100% the reason I have a thriving coaching business. I started not knowing what steps to take, unsure I could handle it, and afraid to take action. Lynette and her team equipped me with the tools, resources and confidence I needed to take real action. I know without it, I would not be where I am with my coaching. I am so so thankful!"

- Shauna


Tough love time, my friend. 

Here are 3 reasons you haven’t clicked that button yet.






If your iPhone broke today (heaven forbid), would you just go a few months without it because you don’t have the cash on hand? Or would you find the money to replace it because you absolutely need it and it’s important to your quality of life?

You’d take out a loan, borrow from Grandma, get on a 47-month payment plan, put it on a credit card. Why? Because you value that iPhone — that just lets you scroll through social media and text men who don’t deserve you — and you’re willing to put yourself on the line for your phone.

Now tell me why you’re not willing to put yourself on the line for your business? For your legacy? For your passion? For your purpose?

Why wouldn’t you do whatever it takes to invest in something that’s gonna expand your life? Believe me, I do understand. When I invested in my mentor, it took a huge chunk of my money. And I wasn’t sure I was going to make that money back. But you know what? Not only did I make that money back — I made that money back FASTER and in a BIGGER VOLUME than I would’ve been able to do on my own. Hiring a mentor was the key to making more money, so I could finally stop feeling like I didn’t have enough. I want that for you too.



That’s what you HAVE been doing, isn’t it? How’s that going? Are you enjoying endless Google rabbit holes, YouTube videos that tell you practically nothing, and IG spying on your fave coaches hoping you can, like, absorb their authority? That’s cute. It also doesn’t work.

Unless you’re confident you’re suddenly gonna come across a stroke of genius on your own (more power to you, but that’s unlikely to happen), nothing is gonna change here unless you do. Even if you’re doing research and studying and experimenting with different stuff, the amount of time you’re gonna waste piecing it all together is costing you soooooo much money and clients you could be getting if you just bit the bullet and followed a system that works.

Inside The Fitness Business Accelerator, you’ll be hand delivered exact steps while being supported by a coach who has been through it all herself. *raises hand* It’s basically like collapsing time. And let’s face it. You could use more time, can’t you?



Fear of the unknown is natural. That fear is never gonna go away. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not at some abstract time in the future when this program opens again. Even if you’re telling yourself, “I’ll join next time,” it’s because in your head you’re imagining some make-believe moment in the future when all the stars will align, your bank account will be flush, and you’ll finally feel ready to play a bigger game in your fitness business.

Real talk: That future moment doesn’t exist. In reality, you’re probably always going to fear the fear. Notice I said “fear the fear” instead of “feel the fear.” You know this. You teach it to your fitness clients. When they tell you they want to wait, it’s because they’re playing out different scenarios in their head about how they might mess it up or how change is hard or how they’re afraid they won’t be able to afford it. But all of those reasons? They’re really just the same reason:

They’re afraid.

I’m here to tell you — being afraid is awesome. It’s how you know you’re about to break a pattern and change the game. It’s how you know you’re so excited about something, it gives you heart palpitations. It’s how you know that everything from this moment gets to be different.



That much is true! 

apply now

Here’s what’s REALLY waiting for you on the other side:  

You’re setting the wheels in motion for your fitness business to take off. You’re giving a clear, “Hello, I’m ready!” to the world, and the world is gonna rise up to meetcha. 

Your doubts in yourself and what you’re capable of will start to fall away. All those thoughts you have about “feeling like an imposter” and “not being good enough” will fade away. Then you’ll start to collect a WHOLE LOTTA evidence that they were never even true. #aboutfreakingtime #sneakythoughts

You’re actually giving yourself the resources that you’ve been trying to Google for the last 3 years. All the business trainings and tools and guidance you need to become a successful fitness coach will now be at your fingertips. 

Getting fitness clients will be easier. Selling will be easier. Showing up on Instagram and growing your following will be easier. You’ll know what to post. You’ll know how to entice people to work with you. You’ll know what to charge and how to package it so it makes sense. And you’ll know that you get your clients RESULTS. 

Your business will go from “hobby,” “part-time,” or “side hustle” to a sustainable, gig. You’ll be able to make REAL income doing what you’re passionate about, on your own schedule, with clients you actually LIKE, and money you can rely on. Hello, total freedom!

You will have proven to yourself that you’re committed to all the things you say you want. Nobody can make that choice for you. It has to come from within.  

Every client win & success you've seen on this page is 100% possible for you.

In fact... Every client shared on this page was once where you sit right now... deciding, "Should I do this?"

They were afraid, too. They second-guessed themselves, too.

But they wanted something more than they wanted the comfort of staying where they were: They wanted a successful business, working with the clients of their dreams, creating the lifestyle of freedom and abundance that they always craved.


This is what's waiting for you on the other side of clicking "Apply Now"

It's your turn to become FCBA's next success story.

Let me be real with you

I know you’re on the fence… wondering, should I do it? Should I not?

But let me ask: has staying in your comfort zone been paying off for you?

Here’s the thing… the thing that takes you to your next level is ALWAYS scary.

But by showing up and saying YES to FCBA, you’re telling the world: I’m scared, but I’m brave (and bravery ALWAYS pays off).

And I know… if you commit to the process, learn the strategies, and go implement them, I KNOW things will work out for you. The doubt will vanish. The clients will come. The business will grow. The money will add up. And your dreams will go from sitting on the shelf to being alive, in living color, right in front of your eyes.

It’s your job to rise to the occasion, put one foot in front of the other, and do the work. The same you would lead your own fitness clients to transformation, you must lead yourself to transformation too.

And it starts by enrolling in:




Let's go, girlfriend.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can you guarantee my results in FCBA?

Can you guarantee my results in FCBA?

Your results depend on YOU, my friend. While I cannot guarantee your results, I can say that IF you do the work, FCBA works – it’s that simple.

The proof is in the hundreds of women who have completed this program and built successful online coaching businesses – but it’s up to YOU to follow through and apply what you learn. No one can do that for you.

How much time will this program require each week?

How much time will this program require each week?

If you can consistently apply just ~7-10 hours each week toward FCBA and building your business, you’ll be able to follow the program as intended!

What if I can’t come to the live coaching calls?

What if I can’t come to the live coaching calls?

Although it absolutely benefits you to come to the live calls because you’ll have the opportunity to get answers to your questions in real-time, it’s not mandatory.

Each call is recorded and available to you shortly after the call concludes, and you can watch it at a time that works for you. If you have follow-up questions, you can drop them in our private FCBA Slack channel where I’m available 5 days a week.

How soon can I make my investment back?

How soon can I make my investment back?

The industry-standard rate for online health + fitness coaching is $250-$500/month for a 3-month contract – with this in mind, if you signed just 3-4 clients by the end of the program (and many people sign MUCH more than that during FCBA), you’d have made your investment back (and then some).

Will I be working directly with YOU, Lynette?

Will I be working directly with YOU, Lynette?

Yes! I host the majority of our group coaching calls and co-working sessions, and I am in our private Slack group providing personalized feedback 5 days a week.

Do you offer refunds?

Do you offer refunds?

No, we do not offer refunds.

When you join FCBA, you get immediate access to ALL of the modules + resources available inside the program – everything is at your fingertips. You are also FULLY supported with coaching calls, co-working sessions and 24/7 Slack access. As a result, we are 100% confident that you WILL get the results you want if you show up and do the work, and we are committed to supporting you every step of the way.

What’s the investment for FCBA?

What’s the investment for FCBA?

We’ll go over all of the investment options once your application is approved, but payment plans start as low as $349 a month, and we accept credit card, debit card, PayPal + more.



Hi, I'm Lynette Marie

Through many years in the fitness industry helping women create a balanced lifestyle of wellness (and building up my fitness coaching business to multiple six-figure status), I gained another passion:

Helping women build the online coaching businesses of their dreams.

I’ve helped hundreds of women start & scale their online business (and many to six-figure status as well), and this is what I know to be true:

Becoming your own boss & running an online coaching business is not about luck or fate (or having the fittest physique) - it’s about just doing it.

You get to be “the one”. The one with the successful business. The one who gets what she wants. The one who works for herself forever. The one who makes amazing money, doing exactly what she loves.

It just takes two things:


And my life’s mission is to walk women through that process. In fitness, or in business - I thrive in showing women how to get exactly what they want, through changing their beliefs (which changes their results), and gold-standard strategy.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

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